Monday, April 2, 2012

Working Momma Melt Down

Just thought I would share this story in case anyone else was feeling a little down on themselves, hopefully the story of Job can renew your week and give you the encouragement you it did me.

I recently *last Tuesday* started working again *I'm also starting full time night classes next week*  I love the job and its something I believe I'm very good at, teaching at a daycare.  I'm currently working with the toddlers and let me tell you if you think running after one super busy toddler is hard, try 7.... then it makes your 1 or 2 seem easy :) Mostly why I took this position is, I can take Evie with me and she's actually in my group of toddlers, so I can work and still spend time with her.  Even though she had a few melt downs *mmostly because E isn't use to sharing her momma* Evie is doing great.  Lots of story, craft, puzzle, play and most importantly SOCIALIZING time.  I just love watching her grow and I'm so thankful that God allowed me a job where I can bring Evie along too. 

After the end of a very crazy work week *my part time job turned full time*  I really needed some relaxation and re cooping time before I start my next BIG week; which included working my now full time job plus taking night classes full time. But instead I was sick, no fun family time for me, no special play days with Evie. Just soup and the couch *with some good movies of course*  As I was sitting on the couch, in between the cloud my head seemed to be in and the to do list in my mind that kept growing and growing, I kept thinking about how unlucky I felt, was I actually feeling sorry for myself? for being sick 1 weekend? 

That's when I decided to open my Bible to Job, he is my favorite Biblical character and this is my favorite book of the Bible.  I went right to

Job 1 :20-22
And Job arose and rent his mantle and shaved his head and fell upon the ground saying, "Naked came I out of my mothers womb and naked shall I return Hither, The LORD giveth and the LORD has taken away, blessed be the name of the LORD"

And in all this Job sinner not, nor charged God foolishly

Made me feel kinda foolish for feeling sorry for myself, Job had lost everything, his family, animals and land. he had nothing left yet he still praised God.  Every time I'm feeling sorry for myself, I always turn to these verses and they help keep me in perspective.  Yes I'm going to be extremely busy and at times overwhelmed but God will not let me take on too much to handle. 

I'm looking forward to the new "business" of our life......It will just make me enjoy the quite smaller moments even more :)


  1. Stopping by from The Cookie A Day Challenge I found you through the Mingle Monday Blog Hop. Adorable Blog! Lookig forward to following :)

    Stephanie Zielinski

    1. Thanks for stopping by Stephanie :) A cookie a day, now that sounds like something ill like!

  2. Wow, reading about your life makes mine feel less busy! :) That is so cool that you have a job you can work and take your daughter with you. And yes, Job is a good reminder of how we are so blessed in what we have, even if it feels overwhelming. Thanks for sharing! :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by and yes I am very lucky I can take Evie to work with me, sometimes I just forget and need to remind myself... and I love the whole koala bear theme :)

  3. Great reminder... Thanks for linking up to Mommy Monday! :)

    1. Thanks for hosting :) I'm new to blogging so its nice of pros to show us the ropes. Thanks again.

  4. Great Blog! I am a new follower. Please follow me back. :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by Ashley... just visited and follwed your blog and what a birthday party... I bet you guys had a blast. Looking forward to following you :)
