Monday, February 18, 2013

New Style

Hey Everyone,

Well as y'all can see im back to blogging, I know ive been away for awhile (try a year) but im ready to start journaling again :)

Over this past Christmas season, my heart was changed about the way I was eating... and not the typical I need to eat healthy and lose weight change... But in the way that my eyes were opened to the "unatural" things that are going on in the animal farming community.  I call myself Vegan to save my breath explaing what I reall am which is a,  "VEG-I-will-not-eat-any-animal-products-if-the-animal-had-an-unatural-life-prior-to-death-AN" Meaning I will eat game my husband hunts himself. 

I know there are SO many opinions about this topic and I don't judge anyone who eats a different way then I do, I really think its a decision you must come to on your own and its also about your personal feelings, I feel like God intended for us to hunt our meat and raise our own chickens for eggs and get milk from our own cows, not buy it massed produced and pumped full of hormones. And I know from the Vegan community I would get alot of flack for my eating of game, this is the point im trying to make, its a personal decision and everyones hearts are in a different place and people are passionate about different things when it comes to food and animal consumption.

I just wanted to do a little introduction into my new style of blogging Im going to be doing, Im going to have alot of Vegan recipes and some information Ill share as Im a newbie learning myself.  Feel free to leave comments and links to recipes or articles you find or found helpful as a beginner yourself.

Katie Lynn

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