Sunday, April 1, 2012

Week 3 and 4 Weigh Ins

I have some good and some bad news on my weigh ins to report. 1st off last week I weighed in with absolutely no weigh change, it was exactly the same even to the ounce.  I was extremely disappointed with myself and had to do something to really help me lose weight the following week.  So this past week I decided to eat "meatless" and I would like to say I am by NO means a vegetarian, I'm a meat and potatoes kinda gal (which explains my weight) however I found this extremely easy... I was not even temped once to eat meat. I don't want to give too much of this topic away since ill be guest posting about my "meatless" week on Healing the Heaviness the 13th :) But I do want to report that I lost 1.2 lbs this past week. woohoo!! I cant wait to tell everyone more about this on the 13th!!

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