Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Week 1

First Week Update

This week has been a little rough, I only made it to one of my workouts and this weekend I broke two of my March rules.  I drank a can of soda and I ate carbs after 2pm, but I'm promising myself to do better this week. 

Monday (yesterday) was my weigh in day and even though rules were broke I'm happy to report that Ive lost 1.6 lbs.  I was really hoping for 2lbs but honestly ill take any lose I can get. 

For the month of March I decided to come up with a list of rules to follow, things I know I should do and not do, but don't always follow. I made divided the list into 2 categories Yes and No's. I tried to keep it simple for myself :) Here's the rules im trying to following

  • Soda
  • Chips
  • Eating carbs after 2pm
  • Eating anything after 7pm (except Monday nights because I don't get home from Spin class till 8pm, and I feel its important to eat after a workout)
  • Take out of any kind (fast food, pizza etc.)
  • More than 1 cup of coffee a day

  • Water, Water, Water
  • 3-4 workouts a week
  • 5 small meals a day (I even made an eating schedule to help me stay on track)
  • Green smoothies
  • Green tea in place of sweet tea or my morning coffee
Its been tough and as silly as it sounds writting these rules down and hanging them around the house (mostly the fridge) has really helped me keep my focus. 

Here to doing even better this next week!

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Katie! I'm limiting myself to only 1 cup of coffee per day and not eating after 7 pm, too. Keep up the good work! :)
